So tomorrow night* there's a Midweek in halifax area! we talk about the message from sunday; our thoughts and feelings, sharing stories etc, etc. all based off of some premade questions.
The topic from Sunday's lesson is: why 'weird' is better. (In the series WEIRD;because normal isnt working anymore.) Im excited to hear some thoughts and feelings on the subject as well as the fellowship! its almost always encouraging to fellowship with the other teens. so thats later n the evening.
Earlier today I did some ... BAKING something i dont overly enjoy i've discovered. perhaps with friends its a bit more enjoyable. but in the heat of the day (when I'm most lazy) it isn't necessarily fun. Any way i made "raw cookies" and quickies. i DO NOT think the quickies worked at . all. and the cookies are runny and HUGE >:) but they should taste good.... right?
So i was tired and lazy and easily frustrated in the kitchen so i could enjoy some sweets for the drive in theatre tonight :3 SO EXCITED IT'S CRAZY!
I'm going with my family to see harry potter again, under the stars in the back of the truck, it will be warm tonight so i think it will feel magical.
And so that was my day and what SHOULD become of my day (Lord willing) and so: