Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Psalm 6 NIV

this passage actually brought me to tears. it hit me so close to heart that it brought a new wave of sorrow up from withing me. finding this just reminds me how amazing and mysterious God is at giving me scripture i actually can learn from. this scripture to me seems like the writer is hurt by enemies

.. i just want to hold my nephew.... 

1 LORD, do not rebuke me in your anger
   or discipline me in your wrath.
2 Have mercy on me, LORD, for I am faint;
   heal me, LORD, for my bones are in agony.
3 My soul is in deep anguish.
   How long, LORD, how long?

 4 Turn, LORD, and deliver me;
   save me because of your unfailing love.
Among the dead no one proclaims your name.
   Who praises you from the grave?
 6 I am worn out from my groaning.
   All night long I flood my bed with weeping
   and drench my couch with tears.
7 My eyes grow weak with sorrow;
   they fail because of all my foes.
 8 Away from me, all you who do evil,
   for the LORD has heard my weeping.
9 The LORD has heard my cry for mercy;
   the LORD accepts my prayer
10 All my enemies will be overwhelmed with shame and anguish;
   they will turn back and suddenly be put to shame


Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Whata life!

     So to update: in the past few months i've had two big HUGE deaths in my family. First was my Grandfather; i was what you would call a `good death`he was surrounded by family when it happened and he was right with God. Yes; it has been upsetting. But it was quite a relief as he was in a lot of pain from cancer all through his body and bones. :( the next day though was a different story! my brother and his fiance had their beautiful baby boy: Liam. he was so perfect. and he really helped me personally get through my grandfather`s death. his gentle slumber and adorable crys. (note that he was two weeks early. so i saw him almost every day for a bout the first week, but it slowed the next.
     what has been so utterly heart shattering is that his death came as swiftly as his life. two weeks almost to the hour my nephew past away in his sleep in the arms of my Brother. its still hard today. i dont know how many days its been or weeks. but i still go through the crying and sobbing and heart ache when i see bouncing 3 year olds run by.
    but the love i`ve been getting is overwhelming! hugs and attention from little kids both help and hurt but that will heal over time. i am so grateful for the patience i`ve been getting from my friends and family. 
      so about today it`s just been really hard emotionally. its actually been a hard weekend. seeing my brother`s friends driving by or grandparents with their grandkids or baby boys reopens a bit of the scab on my heart. (kind of sounds gross..) and i  have been seeing all of this the past few days.
    but through all this drama and hurt God`s still been showing me endless mercy and signs that he`s here for me. ``safe in the arms of Jesus.`` i feel it now and then. but sometimes i feel soo alone. I `know God will get me through some how.

these pictures are of my darling nephew .

Midweek tomorrow!

So tomorrow night* there's a Midweek in halifax area! we talk about the message from sunday; our thoughts and feelings, sharing stories etc, etc. all based off of some premade questions.
   The topic from Sunday's lesson is: why 'weird' is better. (In the series WEIRD;because normal isnt working anymore.)  Im excited to hear some thoughts and feelings on the subject as well as the fellowship! its almost always encouraging to fellowship with the other teens. so thats later n the evening.

   Earlier today I did some ... BAKING something i dont overly enjoy i've discovered. perhaps with friends its a bit more enjoyable. but in the heat of the day (when I'm most lazy) it isn't necessarily fun. Any way i made "raw cookies" and quickies. i DO NOT think the quickies worked at . all. and the cookies are runny and HUGE >:) but they should taste good.... right?

   So i was tired and lazy and easily frustrated in the kitchen so i could enjoy some sweets for the drive in theatre tonight :3 SO EXCITED IT'S CRAZY!
I'm going with my family to see harry potter again, under the stars in the back of the truck, it will be warm tonight so i think it will feel magical.
   And so that was my day and what SHOULD become of my day (Lord willing) and so:


Saturday, 16 July 2011

Harry Potter 7 part TWO... AAAHHH

                                                DU DU DUDU DUUU DU DUUUU DUUUUU DU DUDU DU DUU DUU.....
Harry Potter 7... it all ends here.
 So on thursday night i went to the h.p. premier for the LAST movie with three frannnddds. (and a brother) we went in character and i was Lavender Brown. Friend ONE was hermione, friend TWO was tonks and friend THREE was ginny! we had a sleep over and took a BUNCH of pictures..hehe <3
     the movie was ......                AMAZINGLY FANTASTIC !
i will not give away  the movie. except that i LAUGHED i cried..... actually sobbed and and had so much fun.
                     GO SEE THE MOVIE.
                                        it's amazing.

Saturday, 9 July 2011

The opening title.

Hey my name's Zoe and alll canadian. im nothing special; just a growing teenage girl trying to show the world how amazing My Dad is through me. He has a lot of names you see. he's the Alpha, the Great I Am, Lord, Mercy and all that is good. but most of all i like to say he's my Dad. I really love this guy Jesus too. he's my brothah. he IS something special though. He died for me; but he also died for YOU. gotta love that right? well this is my blog, how i roll and some crazzy things.
peace for now,
like a river.